Recommended Books

Measure What Matters

About a year back, I was introduced to a book called Measure What Matters by John Doerr. This book outlined a simple goal-setting system (Objectives & Key Results) that is measurable and can be set at the Organization, Team and Individual level.

I have seen this #OKR methodology used from large companies to startups. If implemented and tracked correctly, this could be a great asset.

Has anyone here successfully implemented the OKR methodology? Would love to hear about your successes (and failures too)

#objectives #measurewhatmatters #measurable

Recommended Books

Using Checklists

One of the most effective ways to be organized is to have checklists. This not only applies to personal stuff like grocery lists, but also professionally like tasks. We all know that tasks are not just a one step thing. So the more detailed checklist you create the less chance of missing something, even though you know in your head what to do. There is an excellent book on this called “The Checklist Manifesto” written by a renowned surgeon, Atul Gawande.

Do you use checklists for the tasks you do at work?

#checklist #organizingtips #taskmanagement